Sunday, June 22, 2008

Growing up is hard

There comes a time in our lives when we all need to grow up.

Today Laura took a big step towards that thanks to her parents and boy is mad.

The changing table that got us through 2 kids was slowly falling apart. Screws missing, 2 storage shelves that never did fit in place from the day it was put together, a support bar falling off this week, changing pad being destroyed by cats with claws and above mentionned toddler with fingers. I wish I could say the changing table had seen better days but in reality we should have exchanged it 6 1/2 years ago cause it was a lemon from the very start. hahaha!

Katelyn was never that attached to it.

But Laura.........she has been alternating between crying and giving us the cold shoulder because we put it out with the trash. (trash day is Monday for us) And the horrors when someone with a pick up truck drove by and was checking out large items out. Poor kid about had a heart attack when she was them touching the changing table. Banging on the window, "Noooo my changing table! Miiiiinnnnneeee!"

And to think this is the same child that weaned from nursing cold turkey on her own at 12 1/2 months and gave up the pacifier pretty easy too.

A changing table......who would have thought she'd have an attachment to the changing table.

Poor Laura....growing up is hard.

1 comment:

GREENLAW said...

isn't that funny... you just never know with kids... you'll have to put that story in her scrapbook